Pet Etiquette

Welcome back to my blog, everyone!! This month, I want to address a topic that, while not directly medical, is still crucial for our pets and our interactions with the people around us: “Pet Etiquette”. There are situations involving our pets in public that may need solutions that rely on common sense, but this can…

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New Year, New You: Kickstart Pet Weight Loss in 2024!

Happy New Year!! We are officially living in the year 2024, isn’t it crazy? I am sure some of us have been working on our resolutions for this new year and I believe it would not be surprising if one of the most popular resolutions for many us may be weight loss or incorporating new…

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Holiday Season and Pet Safety

¡Hola a todos! Who is getting excited to celebrate a fan-favorite holiday season and the end of 2023 with our furry little friends? For most of us, it is certainly a time of joy and for many of us, a time for reflecting as well, but whatever it may be or mean to us, we…

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